Aged Care & Community Services
Certificate III in Individual Support
The CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support provides the concepts and practices required to provide person-centred support.
Aged Care & Community Services
The CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support provides the concepts and practices required to provide person-centred support.
Aged Care & Community Services
The CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support provides the skills and knowledge needed to work as an aged care worker.
Aged Care & Community Services
The CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services provides the high-level skills needed for a role with a community organisation.
The SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality provides the opportunity for students to become skilled operators who use a range of well-developed hospitality skills.
The SIT40422 Certificate IV in Hospitality produces individuals who can perform the role of skilled operators who use a broad range of hospitality skills combined with sound knowledge of industry operations.
The SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management reflects the role of highly skilled senior operators who use a broad range of hospitality skills combined with managerial skills and sound knowledge of industry to coordinate hospitality operations.
The SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management reflects the role of highly skilled senior managers who use a broad range of hospitality skills combined with specialised managerial skills and substantial knowledge of industry to coordinate hospitality operations.
The SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management reflects the role of chefs and cooks who have a supervisory or team leading role in the kitchen.
The BSB50120 Diploma of Business offers students the opportunity to develop the skills required to handle real-life work situations.
The BSB60120 Advanced Diploma of Business is geared towards individuals with significant experience in a senior administrative role, who are seeking to develop expertise across a wider range of business functions.
This qualification is suitable for autonomous individuals who identify and apply project management skills and knowledge in a wide variety of contexts.
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply project management skills and knowledge. They may manage projects in a variety of contexts, across a number of industry sectors.
The BSB60720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management has been designed to reflect the role of individuals who apply specialised knowledge and skills, together with experience in program management across a range of enterprise and industry contexts.
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who are currently managing the work of others; these individuals may also add value to a business through the review of management practices.
The BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management has been designed to reflect the role of individuals who have senior or managerial responsibilities.
The ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (General) provides students with the skills and knowledge to be competent in a variety of ICT roles.
The ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Advanced Programming) provides students with the skills and knowledge to be competent in programming and software development.
The ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology (General) provides high level information and communications technology (ICT), process improvement and business skills and knowledge to enable an individual to be effective in senior ICT roles within organisations.
The ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology (Telecommunications Network Engineering) provides high level information and communications technology (ICT), process improvement and business skills and knowledge to enable an individual to be effective in senior ICT roles within organisations.
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply project management skills and knowledge. They may manage projects in a variety of contexts, across a number of industry sectors.